Steel Curtain Network: A Pittsburgh Steelers podcast

Stories vs. non-stories early in Steelers training camp

On last Tuesday’s episode of The Scho Bro Show, Dave presented me with several stories from Steelers training camp. The thing that happens at the start of training camp every year is that fans have gone so long with any real on-the-field Steelers news that it becomes easy to turn everything into a huge deal. While anything going on at camp is noteworthy, that does not necessarily make it big news. We are taking more of a look at what types of things could grow legs and continue moving forward for the team.

So here are some of the stories we look at discussed as to whether or not they were stories or non-stories:

No Mike Tomlin contract extension

Story or non-story: Non-story

Reasoning: Coach Tomlin wants to be the Steelers head coach and the Steelers have no desire to replace him anytime soon. There is the narrative that the Steelers typically extend head coaches with two years left, but this is nothing to read into.

Cory Trice injury

Story or non-story: Mini-story

Reasoning: Anytime a player gets injured during camp that deserves some type of story. In Tracy’s case both Dave and I had looked that he might be the camp darling this year. He got injured so early in camp that it’s hard to tell exactly what he might have been this year. Fortunately for the Steelers he did not have to be a major part of their plans, based on being the second corner taken by the Steelers in this draft. He’ll get the chance to play the role of Calvin Austin III in next year’s camp.

T.J. Watt stoned by rookie TE Darnell Washington twice

Story or non-story: Story for Washington, non-story for Watt

Reasoning: For the rookie tight end out of Georgia this is definitely a story. He was able to go up against former Defensive Player of the Year T.J. Watt and not just hold his own but win the two reps decisively. For T.J. Watt on the other hand this was just a regular training camp rep. Watt had nothing to gain by trying to humiliate the rookie, so why try to do anything crazy and potentially injure himself. In the end I would say that this turned out the way it should have.

ILBs trucking players in backs on backers

Story or non-story: Non-story

Reasoning: Was this a possible confidence boost for the inside linebackers? Possibly. But I’m not going to get real excited about this type of thing until I start seeing it in real game action. While it has been exciting to see, it’s not yet at a point that I am ready to say all the inside linebacking issues have been answered. Plus, the linebackers are given a huge advantage in this drill so the bigger story would have been if they weren’t running people over.

Joey Porter Jr. vs. George Pickens

Story or non-story: Fun for training camp, but a non-story

Reasoning: Porter versus Pickens has been the talk of training camp so far. Both players have made some spectacular plays against each other. To throw a Tomlinism out there, these two going up against each other is like iron sharpening iron. They’re making each other better players. The story will come during the regular season if all of these reps they take against each other in camp can improve their play to the point they’re making great plays during the regular season.

So there are five of the several topics we discussed as to whether or not they are stories or non-stories for the Steelers during training camp. As you can see, not every topic is completely cut and dry.

So what do you think? Which one of the topics above are stories vs. non-stories? Make sure to leave your thoughts in the comments below.

To hear all the topics discussed as stories or non-stories, check out Tuesday’s episode of The Scho Bro Show podcast below:

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