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Don’t look now, but Kendrick Green is getting reps at fullback

There are many fans of the Pittsburgh Steelers who view the 3rd Round selection of Kendrick Green as a giant swing-and-miss. While this pick was made under Kevin Colbert and the previous regime, Green remains on the roster as he enters Year 3.

While nothing is guaranteed in the NFL, you can’t say the Steelers aren’t giving Green every opportunity to prove himself and prove his worth.

Green started at center his rookie season, and didn’t necessarily earned the job. Green was simply the best option for the Steelers in Ben Roethlisberger’s final season after Maurkice Pouncey decided to retire.

In Green’s second season, the team wanted to give him a shot at the position he played the most at Illinois, and that was guard. Green said he never really liked center, but he failed to beat out Kevin Dotson, and watched the entire season from the sideline as he never earned a helmet on game days.

So, what now?

Is Green, a 3rd Round pick, destined to become nothing more than interior depth along the offensive line?

The Steelers aren’t out of ideas. Friday night’s practice in Latrobe saw Green take reps on offense. Yes, offense. To be more specific at the fullback position. Now, before you, the reader, think this is just a one-off, and something which was done just for fun, you might have to think again.

If this was a gimmick, I’m not sure they’d have Green running routes and catching passes in practice.

For all of Green’s shortcomings, he absolutely knows how to block in space, as you can see here as he pancakes the edge rusher on this run play.

But who could have predicted this for the Steelers to even try? Who could have thought moving Kendrick Green to a fullback would even be possible.

Vince Williams, that’s who.

Williams called his shot well before training camp, and he celebrated seeing his prediction come to fruition.

Will this equate in Green finding a spot not just on the 53-man roster, but getting a helmet on game days? It might be a big premature for that, but you can’t say the Steelers haven’t given him every chance to succeed. Many would say this is his final chance.


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